RGGI is government created entity, much like the corrupt Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac entities that destroyed the American real estate market, that is now choking companies in the northeast with huge tax increases in the name of saving the .... This phony Cap-and-Trade system is nothing more than a criminal scheme to defraud the American (and Canadian) taxpayers because it favors secrecy over public disclosure, deception over the truth, Wall Street Banksters over over ...
An other sad Lib who has no intelligence or idea of truth. Wall Street has contributed more money to Dems than Repubs for YEARS. Flag It. |. Permalink. 11:07 am, Oct 12, 2010 ..... done their jobs,so you can spend that month on a cruise,or buy your 4th vacation home,the bonuses are more than some people will ever see in a lifetime,if they work 50-60 hrs. in a week. when banks got their bailouts,this is where the money went,and they aren't paying it back cause boo-hoo,they ...
How can I convince GMAC mortgage tommorrow to provide me with an emergency bail out so I can help my son with his college tuition; replace my 11 year old vehicle with a new hybrid and take long overdue vacation? .... before we take wall street and the banks at there word has any outside agency gone in and audit there books,lets face it when it comes to telling the truth wall street and there budies stink at it,when i make a huge finacial mistake i am the one who pays for ...